René Vendeville:
Natural Health Expert

A passionate professional with an impressive background.

Herbalism and Classical Homeopathy

Since childhood, René has been retrained by a classical homeopath on herbalism, developing an in-depth knowledge of natural healing.

Tibetan leather

He visited Tibetan masters focusing on Tibetan herbalism. The knowledge and skill of the monks inspired him, to delve even more deeply into what nature has to offer us.


The oldest medicine in the world which has been written down for nearly 5,600 years. Knowledge never ends, so he decided to delve into the herbal-spice teachings of ayurveda, and also found many answers there that contributed to the development of Elixers.

30 Years Experience as a Personal Coach

René has worked as a personal coach for 30 years, helping individuals achieve their health and wellness goals. He also worked with doctors and therapists (complementary), to achieve the desired outcome for the client who was and is dependent on care.

Looking for health support?

For 25 years, René has dedicated himself to developing 100% natural elixirs that support health in a holistic way and are made from herbs and spices.

Scientifically Proven Effectiveness: The elixirs have been thoroughly and regularly scientifically researched, with positive results confirming their effectiveness.

International Recognition: René has generated worldwide interest and off-takes for his elixirs, giving people around the world the freedom to make their own health choices.

Discover how elixirs can support your well-being

Discover how elixirs can support your well-being. Visit the website today for more information and ordering options. Choose a healthy and balanced life through support with the natural elixirs.

Discover the power of quality in herbs and spices

When choosing herbs and spices, it is important to aim for the highest quality. Look for organic and sustainably grown options to ensure you get purity and nutritional value without unwanted additives. Embark on a flavorful journey and embrace the power of herbs and spices for a healthier and more fulfilling life. Enjoy their rich aroma, improve your health and delight your senses. Your well-being deserves the very best natural care the world has to offer!